Violations of FIFA Requirements for FAN FEST near MSU

We want to inform you that FIFA requirements for Fan Fest are violated, especially criterias “Best Location”, “Proven Venue for Public Events” and “Easily Accessible”.

Vorobyevy Gory is a quiet park, almost adjacent to the University Campus, it is not touristic and connected to the city’s accommodation infrastructure (1.5 – 2 km from closest metro station) and is NOT RECOGNISED BY CITIZENS OF THE HOST CITY AS A MASS EVENTAREA.

Moreover, the organising committee did not take into consideration opinions of the nearby inhabitants, which does not comply with “Respect” and “Responsibility” criterias of World Cup 2018 Strategy.

We also send an open letter to Deputy Prime-Minister Arkady Dvorkovich to relocate the Fan Fest based on evidence of FIFA requirements violations.

Full text of Event Manual with requirements can be found here.

Our open letter to Deputy Prime-Minister Arkady Dvorkovich

Our Protest Actions in Moscow

On March 11, 2018

“Fan Zone near MSU — Goal in your own gates!”

“World Cup is not a reason to disrespect the University” (next to the entrance to the President’s Administration)
“Let us study in silence! No to fan-zone near MSU!”
“Factories to people, Universities to scientists, Fan Zone to VDNKH” (the allegory to famous Soviet slogan)

MSU Rector Ignored the Official Meeting With Our Delegates

Rector Victor Sadovnichiy cancelled the meeting his rectorate had scheduled for him with IGMSU delegates after the Occupy Rectorate regarding the relocation of the FIFA World Cup Fan Festival during the #nofanfestmsu campaign.

As we expected, the rectorate informed us that Victor Sadovnichiy had received an invitation to Putin’s address on the 1st of March only the day before the event, thus Rector had to cancel the meeting at the last minute.

(We in IGMSU do not believe the Rector was not aware that he would be on the guest list for the event and we think that was just an excuse to avoid meeting the students)

Also, assistant to rector Vyacheslav Goryachko informed us that the rector was not pleased with the fact that there were one alumnus and one employee in the IGMSU delegate list.

Instead of the meeting scheduled with the rector, many of the delegates were invited to talk to Faculties’ Administrations. Delegates were given talks about foreign affairs, “loyalty” to the university, the immaturity of the protesters and were asked to wrap up the protest.  These discussions could include anything but the main issue.

Some of the prorectors also tried to manipulate one of the delegates into taking this report (see below) as an official closing response to the story. (The report by vice-rector Victor Vaypan does not include anything relevant: the same old false story about including student organisations into process of making decisions and acting in the interest of campus inhabitants)

Our final goal is the Fan Fest relocation and we are not planning to stop halfway.


Our Demands For MSU Rector Victor Sadovnichiy

In upcoming days we are to start a petition for students and employees of MSU regarding FIFA World Cup 2018 fan zone at the University campus. Here are our demands for the rector:

  1. Openly propose a new location for the fan zone instead of the Sparrow Hills. For example, VDNKH or the Red Square.
  2. Guarantee that the semester terms will remain unchanged. No educational programmes or researches will be shortened and no labs or buildings will be closed during the period of the World Cup championship.
  3. Guarantee that no student, PhD student, or an employee of the University will lose the right to stay in his or her room during the summer.
  4. Do not let University dormitories be used by those who have no educational, scientific or work relationships with the University.
  5. To create transparent procedures for regulating a possibility of events being organised near the Main Building of the MSU with the University inhabitants.
Victor Sadovnichiy, the rector of Moscow State University

UPD (28.02.2018):

President Administration Reception

We collected 4686 signatures of students and employees of MSU and today delivered them to the President Administration. (A copy of our statements was also delivered to the Moscow Municipality)

Our Campaign In Russian Media

Live reports about the Occupy Rectorate:



Radio Svoboda: “Мы не против футбола”. Как студенты МГУ борются с фан-зоной
Takie dela: “А ректор спрятался”
kommersant: У студентов проявился фанатизм к сессии От ректора МГУ потребовали защитить Воробьевы Горы от последствий ЧМ-2018
Activatica: В МГУ выставили охранников и отключили лифт: как Садовничий скрывался от студентов с петицией

Other mentions

MEDUZA: Студенты МГУ выступали против футбольной фан-зоны на территории университета. Их заставят сдать сессию до начала чемпионата мира
KP: Студенты МГУ выступили против фан-зоны Чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 рядом со зданием университета
znak: Студенты, выступающие против фан-зоны около МГУ, добились переговоров с ректором
interfax: К ректорату МГУ вызвали полицию из-за недовольных фан-зоной ЧМ-2018 студентов
TJOURNAL: Цепочка событий: Студенты МГУ против фан-зоны ЧМ-2018
Moskva 24/7: «Сессию переносить не будут!» Студенты МГУ, протестующие против фан-зоны ЧМ-2018, рассказали о первой победе и угрозах выселения из общежития
The insider: На этаже Садовничего в МГУ внезапно перестал работать лифт, когда студенты принесли подписи за перенос фан-зоны от кампуса
the village: Ректорат МГУ оградился от студентов отключением лифтов и сотрудниками ЧОП
Mediazona: МГУ назвал «попыткой дезорганизации» работы университета протесты студентов против фан-зоны ЧМ-2018
echo msk: Администрация МГУ назвала попыткой дезорганизации работы университета протесты студентов
newsru: Студенты, выступающие против фан-зоны около МГУ, продолжают осаду ректората и сообщают о задержаниях

“OCCUPY RECTORATE” in Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

MSU students and employees protesting FIFA Fan Zone next to the rector`s office

First success: We achieved that the terms of a semester and exam session, educational practices and thesis defences will remain unchanged. We also prevented student eviction from dormitories during the summer break because of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

1. WE COLLECTED 4224 “LIVE” PETITION SIGNS of MSU students and professors for rector Viktor Sadovnichiy on 21.02.2018. In the petition, we publicly demanded Fifa World Cup Fan Zone to be relocated away from the campus of MSU. We registered our petition in chancellery, thus rectorate is to give an official reply in 30 days.

More than 4000 students and employees signed a petition to relocate the Fan Zone. Photo: Vadim Kantor,

2. RECTORATE BARRICADED ITSELF FROM THE STUDENTS: since morning elevators to the 9th floor were closed (where the rector’s cabinet is), security guards and police were blocking the stairs as well; at the same time account of MSU on social network VK claimed this action ‘an attempt to disorganise university rectorate’ and asked everyone not to come. All day rector was running away from the MSU staff: at first he signed an executive order to save traditional exam session terms (and also asked the head of Dormitories’ Department to sign an order not to evict students as if it was the main problem and not the fan zone for 25 000 football fans 300 metres next to the Main Building of MSU). He was giving a speech at the concert and then moved to another campus building to avoid talking to students and employees. University and faculties’ administrations as well as student organisations threatened protesters and pushed them to leave. 

Security guards are blocking the stairs to 9-the floor. Photo: Elizaveta Nesterova,
The announcement says elevators on the 9-th floor are shut down due to maintenance. Transfer to the floor is possible only with the elevator operator.

3. THE FAN ZONE ISSUE IS NOW WELL-KNOWN TO THE ENTIRE COUNTRY: both independent and state media reported on this protest against the catastrophic decision to build fan-are near the MSU campus. We believe it’s a good starting point to get global attention to the problem and eventually solving it.

“Students of MSU against FIFA 2018 Fan Zone” by [click to watch full video in Russian]
4. Rectorate is to organise a meeting with the students on 1st of March. Even though we are planning to attend, we are still quite sceptical whether it will be held. Our main demand was simple and did not need a lot of discussions. We wanted a straight answer from the rector: is he going to pass on to the President Putin our demand or not. We believe today’s actions of our rector, who was running away from students, already gave as a univocal answer. 

We will relocate the fan zone!

Despite all the effort to prevent people from coming to the hallways of the 9-th floor, some activists managed to get to the office. Rector Victor Sadovnichiy has avoided meeting with students


Our Demands For MSU Rector Victor Sadovnichiy

In upcoming days we are to start a petition for students and employees of MSU regarding FIFA World Cup 2018 fan zone at the University campus. Here are our demands for the rector:

  1. Openly propose a new location for the fan zone instead of the Sparrow Hills. For example, VDNKH or the Red Square.
  2. Guarantee that the semester terms will remain unchanged. No educational programmes or researches will be shortened and no labs or buildings will be closed during the period of the World Cup championship.
  3. Guarantee that no student, PhD student, or an employee of the University will lose the right to stay in his or her room during the summer.
  4. Do not let University dormitories be used by those who have no educational, scientific or work relationships with the University.
  5. To create transparent procedures for regulating a possibility of events being organised near the Main Building of the MSU with the University inhabitants.


Victor Sadovnichiy, the rector of Moscow State University

UPD (28.02.2018):

President Administration Reception

We collected 4686 signatures of students and employees of MSU and today delivered them to the President Administration. (A copy of our statements was also delivered to the Moscow Municipality)