Human Shield of MSU

On the afternoon of 28th of April students of Moscow State University (MSU) and High School of Economics (HSE), as well as the other universities along with professors and locals, joined their hands to form a 300-meters long human chain in front of the main building of MSU to protect the university from the humiliation of the FanFest. We are grateful to the authors of the idea of the action and to all who came — this is an impressive gesture of solidarity and a signal to officials: the academic community will not silently tolerate neglection of the interests of education and science and defying students opinion.

There were several police cars in the area since this morning, and the internet has been shut down during the action, including mobile service (cellular repeaters of several mobile operators are located on the steeple of the main building of the MSU).

Police, plainclothesmen and the provost of MSU Alexey Stepanov demanded students to leave immediately due to the “concert for veterans” holding at the main building of the MSU. However, the only sign of a concert was the patriotic music coming from speakers on the porch of the building, but without any participants. Overall, it went peacefully, no one was detained.

The fight to relocate the fan zone (Fan Fest) continues!

#noFanFestMSU #ЖивойЩит #HumanShield
#ИГ_МГУ_солидарность #IGMSU_solidarity
#fifa #WorldCup #worldcup2018 #fifa2018 #FIFAFanFest#МГУпротивфанзоны #защитимМГУ #тихаясессия

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